Translation of texts

Through the translation of texts you can appreciate books from a much broader background. If you look at it from the perspective of an english speaker, most people don’t speak english, and hence most literature is not published in english. In order to access the themes and ideas presented in foreign language literature you need to have access to translations. The themes and ideas expressed in a piece of literature are often heavily dependent on the context and culture of the book’s production. By using translations you’re able to see and experience a much wider range of cultures, opinions, themes and characters. For example the study of the thief of the dogs will be based on an english translation based on an originally arabic novel. Through studying a translation I am able to explore parts of Egyptian culture that would originally have been hidden from me and hard for me to grasp when relying on the media and the news. This ties in directly with the Part 3 of Language and Literature objective of understanding the cultural, historical, and social contexts of the texts studied in the course. In addition, by studying texts from a wider context of production I will be better able to better understand the events, implications and impact of the egyptian revolution.

Overall the translation of texts is integral to immersing yourself and gaining a deeper understanding of other contexts and cultures
